Wednesday, February 25, 2009


So I mentioned in my last post, that Ashlynn has a tooth. Well that tooth is so darn cute on her! She hasnt gotten anymore, but that one sure is growing. I just love her "Toothy" grin.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Our new family Members...

Kaitlyn has been asking for a crab for along time. Someone brought hermit crabs into school one day and she has been talking about them since. Well Im not to fond of I got her to agree to one that goes in a fish tank, with So here is introducing....

Max the crab....

Ruby the fish...

and Snail... (he looks dead, but he was just hiding)

Monday, February 16, 2009

Im Back!

Wow. I havnt updated this in forever! Life has been really busy with 2 kids, but Im back now and am excited to keep everyone up to date with what we have going on!! Kaitlyn is enjoying school and growing like a weed. She will be 4 next month. How time flies! Here is a new picture of her:

She is learning to write her name and knows most of her colors. She has come so far since the summer. We are batteling a bad attitude and lack of concentration, but something we are working in.

Ashlynn is also growing like a weed. Tommorow she will be 8 months! I swear I just brought her home. She crawls and can pull to standing on things. She loves to cruise the furniture, but hasnt attempted to take a step by herself yet. Which is fine by Here is a recent photo of her...

She has a tooth now, and with the way she has been acting latley, Im sure more are on the way!

Well thats all for now. I hope I can be better at updating this!

Polka dot